Affiliated Wood Carving Congress, Wood Carving Class 2020 June 13, 2020 - June 20, 2020 -- Jackson County Fairgrounds Maquoketa, IA

Affiliated Wood Carving hosts a variety of wood carving classes taught by some of the foremost carvers in the world. Classes range from one-day to five-days; topics include wood carving, clay sculpting, painting, pyrography, and many more. There are often classes offered for the non-carving participant.
5 Day Class: Monday, June 15 to Friday, June 19
Janet Denton Cordell – 5 Day Class
Janet Denton Cordell has been carving professionally for fifty years and teaching for thirty years. She brings to a seminar her experience of a lifetime of carving and encouraging other carvers. Janet will again be helping students to develop their ideas and talents or learn new ones. You may choose from a variety of projects, which includes both people and animals that Janet will have available as roughouts, or you may choose to work on a project or idea of your own and get help with that. Some ideas are: faces, human form, animals (wild or domestic), stylized/abstract, or whatever you’re thinking. There are some restrictions as to subject material, but they’re few. The pictures shown are ideas but are not necessarily what you will be carving.

John Engler – 5 Day Class
John has been a professional woodcarver for over 25 years. Born into a family of artist, he began carving while attending Southwest Missouri State University. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree while developing his unique style of woodcarving and watercolor painting. John’s class will get you involved in all the facets of the art of medium relief woodcarving. A painting class will follow on Friday. No experience is necessary. A wide variety of subject matter will be available to students. These will include architecture (barns, cabins, mills, etc.), also animals (bears, moose, cougars, etc.), and many other interesting projects as well. Clear, concise and understandable instruction on relief carving techniques will be emphasized. Please go to John’s website: www, to view completed projects that will be available to students. Prestenciled blanks will run $35.

Jim Trumpy – 5 Day Class
Carving and Painting a full-size Blue Jay. Jim has been carving birds for more than 20 years. He has taught classes at the Rally on the Rio in Texas, as well as at local carving clubs and shows. Jim has a passion for carving realistic birds and enjoys teaching. In this class you will be power carving the project and painting with acrylic. Dust collectors will be needed. Instructor will furnish blank, eyes, and paint - $25. A complete list of materials will be sent to students after sign-up.

Vic Hood - 5 Day Class
Vic has been teaching woodcarving for over 25 years and has won top awards in various competitions throughout the country. Vic has designed a class that encourages students of all levels to create their own piece of art. There will be a strong emphasis on design, creativity, and technical execution. The blanks for the class will be made of butternut and large enough to carve a one half to three quarter size human bust. The cost of the blank will be between $60 and $75 dollars. This is not a portraiture class but subject based, for example, an American Indian, Sea Captain, Mountain Man, etc. It is up to the student to decide what they want to carve. The structure of the class allows for all levels of carving experience, from beginners to accomplished. There will be models available to help students to develop ideas and design.

Alec LaCasse - 5 Day Class
It is hard to believe that a 25 year old young man can possess such talent. Since his first showing at age 12 Alec has taken many Best in Show awards and countless first place awards in art shows and woodcarving competitions around the Midwest. Alec has been a regular guest on Detroit Fox 2 News, WDIV Local 4 and ABC 7 WXYZ Detroit demonstrating his talents, Alec currently lives in rural Leonard, MI with his dog named Mikey. During his 5 day class, Alec will be guiding his students through the process of “Carving a Plains Chief in Cottonwood Bark” from start to finish. The class will help students to achieve realistic eyes, nose, and mouth. Class will also include carving the headdress and other adornment. Bark and materials fee is $30.

Jim Thalacker - 5 Day Class
Students will Carve and Paint a Golden Trout. The fish along with fins, glass eyes, will be furnished students can also buy mounting bases, extra fish, and mounting material if they wish, Paint will be provided, air brush techniques alone with brushes will be used also, students will also provide their own power tools, hand carving tools, sanding material and finishing and paint brushes, paper towels, table lamp, dust collector, and wood burner and burning tips should also be brought About 3 days will be spent on carving and burning, and 2 days on Painting. Bring along your pictures, mounting materials ideas for using in the class. ie ( Handmade rocks, weeds, branches, and Durham's Wood putty for making your own sand. This will be fun and challenging project.

Dylan Goodson – 5 Day Class
Relief Scene or Realistic Figure Choose to carve a relief scene or a realistic Santa Claus or Relief Scene. Take on a fun challenge by carving John C. Campbell Folk School's most
iconic building, The Millhouse. You will start with a roughout that is approx. 8.5” by 11” by 2” thick. While carving this design you'll learn about perspective, compression of depth; layering and textures. Not to mention a heavy dose of carving the intricate details that Dylan is known for. Each student will be provided with a DVD covering the power carving and woodburning techniques that Dylan uses since there's normally never enough time to cover this fully during class. Realistic Figure Carve a classic depiction of Santa Claus while learning about human anatomy and proportions. Particular focus will be placed on Dylan's process for carving the face and hands along with how to carve the wrinkles and folds of clothing. The figure will be 12 tall and you'll be starting from a roughout. This Santa was featured in the Winter 2017 issue of Woodcarving Illustrated. You can see photographs of the carving projects on Dylan's Website at Students will be carving using carving stands provided by Dylan and should bring mallet-size tools and a mallet for this class. Don’t worry if you don’t have many mallet-size tools, Dylan has some to loan. Roughouts will range in price from $35 to $45. Dylan can be contacted at 256-496-6797 or by email: Check out his website to
learn more about him and to view his work.

3 Day Classes: Wednesday, June 17, to Friday, June 19
Michelle Parsons - 3 Day Class
Intro to Pyrography(Woodburning): Landscapes In this 3-day class, you’ll not only learn the basics of woodburning, you’ll burn landscape scenes from a selection of patterns. You do not need to be an artist—if you can trace lines, Michele Parsons can teach you how to Woodburn using patterns. Michele will cover the basics of woodburning using variable-temperature equipment, which is not the same as the craft wood burners that you may be familiar with from Scouts. Materials Cost: $10. Michele will send students a tool list in advance and has 5 woodburning units for loan on a first come basis. Visit Michele’s website at: for contact information and to view samples of her work.

Bruce Shostak - 3 Day Class
This class is structured for the true beginner, a person who has never carved before, but has a strong desire to learn. Students must be at least 18 years old; younger if accompanied in class by a parent or guardian. Bring any tools you may have. If you don’t have any, you will have use of the instructor’s tools. Lecture and practice will start off the class to get a “feel” for different tools and woods. Bruce’s project for 2020 will be the Swan pictured here. He will also have some cutouts that were made available from previous years. You will have your choice of what carving(s) you want to do. The cost of the cutouts will be $5 each. You will be required to use a cut-resistant carving glove.

Ryan Olsen - 3 Day Class Caricature Class
Ryan returns after a very successful year at
Congress last year. He has studied with many great caricature carvers, including Marv Kaisersatt, Dave Dunham, Cleve Taylor, and Chris Hammack. Ryan’s woodcarvings have won many awards around the country. He is known for his funny portrayal of opera singers. He is currently a high school choir and orchestra director in Idaho. His extensive teaching experience helps him to explain clearly and concisely. Ryan is a member of the Caricature Carvers of America. Projects will be chosen from a number of available roughouts. Individual instruction will be tailored to specific student need while group instruction will include design elements, anatomy, expression, style, tool uses, etc.

Jan Jenson - 3 Day Class: Old World Chip Carving
Patterns are more geometric than traditional chip carving. Patterns are applied directly to the projects so carving can start immediately — no drawing. Learn how to do Old World Chip Carving on a practice piece and then do a small project, like a 6” square box or a 8-deck card box (also called a single recipe box). Prices: $20 to $27, both will be available plus others. You will need a good chip carving knife and a good light. All other supplies will be provided. Several designs are available from which to choose.

Carole Jean Boyd-Singleton - 3 Day Class
Carve about a 20” cypress knee. Cypress knees are soft, sometimes have punky spots, and thus present interesting challenges in carving. We used a wide variety of tools, including rotary tools, power chisels, palm tools, knives, and wood burners. Finishes included acrylics for eyes and details, oil paints for the clothing, and Deft semi-gloss overall.

Debbe Edwards - 3 Day Class
For the 3 day class I will have it Open Carve (any of my roughouts). Debbe Edwards is a Native American Indian sculptor from Northeast Oklahoma. She is a member of the
Cherokee Nation. Animals have always been a big part of her life, from raising wild animals to training and raising Quarter Horses. She credits her grandfather for teaching her respect, patience, love, and deep insight about all animals. Debbie began carving in
1990 and has been teaching woodcarving classes for 24 years. Debbe has won numerous awards at Woodcarving Shows and Fine Art Shows. You can view some of her work at

Dave Stetson – 3 Day Class
Co-creator and founding member of CCA, Dave is a full-time woodcarver who teaches his brand of caricature as an exaggerated form of realism. In order to exaggerate realism, you need to know what realism is, including anatomy, proportion, structure and form. Dave will teach 3 days of carving caricature heads from rough outs and cutout blocks, emphasizing exaggerated form and expression to capture a likeness. Instruction will include both male and female subjects and a class critique each day.

2 Day Classes: Monday, June 15, Tuesday, June 16
Ryan Olsen - 2 Day Class
Ryan Olsen is a high school choir and orchestra director in Idaho. Ryan takes this love and skill of teaching and brings this talent to his students. Ryan is well known for his funny portrayal of opera singers. Ryan is a member of the Caricature Carvers of America. Projects will be chosen from many available roughouts. Ryan will share all of his techniques and methods from roughing to paint and finish. Students that work hard during the session will be able to finish a project in the two days.

Jan Jenson - 2 Day Class
Old World Chip Carving patterns are more geometric than traditional chip carving. Patterns are applied directly to the projects so carving can start immediately. Learn how to do Old World Chip Carving on a practice piece and then on a trivet with walnut or cherry trim and small legs. Price: $15. Both will be available for purchase. You will need a good chip carving knife and a good light. All other supplies will be provided. There will be several designs available from which to choose.

Carol Leavy - 2 Day Class
She was introduced to woodcarving while a member of the Red River Valley Decorative Painters in North Dakota. Due to raising a family and several relocations the interest was put on the back burner until 2007. Seeing a collection of carved Santa’s inspired her to pursue her interest in woodcarving. Her first seminars at The International Woodcarvers Congress in 2008 with Mike Shipley and Phil and Vicki Bishop, cemented that interest. This class will focus on carving for the holidays. The projects will be in the beginner to intermediate range. The goal is to take you through to a completed project at the end of two days. Painting will take place the afternoon of the second day. Simple Santa’s, ornaments and Halloween projects will be offered. I will have roughouts available for purchase.

One Day Classes: Saturday, June 20
Michele Parsons - 1 Day Class
Intro to Pyrography: Leather Have you tried burning on leather? Michele Parsons will teach the basics of burning on leather from her new Fox Chapel book, Leather Pyrography. Students will be using variable-temperature equipment, which is not the same as the craft wood burners that you may be familiar with from Scouts. You do not need to be an artist—if you can trace lines, Michele can teach you how to burn using patterns. Materials cost: Leather coasters, key fobs, bracelets, etc. ($3.50-$8 depending on your choices). Michele will send students a tool list in advance and has 5 woodburning units to loan on a first come basis. Visit Michele’s website at for contact info and to view samples of her work.

Denny Neubauer - 1 Day Class
You will learn the art of forging a knife blade out of a drill bit. Hardening and tempering the blade. Securing the blade in the handle of your choice. Take some of the mysteries out of sharpening. Having a problem with a tool? We will solve it. Material fee $20 - Extra material will be available for purchase - Dennis Neubauer: 815-238-5296 email:

Ryan Olsen – 1 Day Class
Ryan brings his 25 years of woodcarving experience to his students. In this exciting 1-day class, students will get a taste of his process, techniques, and even a little of his humor. Students will choose from many different 3" figures, some old, some new. There will be go-by's and as many little people as you would like to carve in a day. Ryan is a member of the Caricature Carvers of America.